Attendance: Jenna, Heather, Park, glitch, Jeremy, Laura, Stacy, Kara, Stacy, Jill, Pam, Larry, April, Callie, me, Karen, Aimee, Sherri, Mike, Jessica
That's approved for February 6, 1994.
Clean ice off of Newman Center for wheelchair, Thursday 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., needed office at 245.
- Ride Board -- chaired by Kevin.
- Food and clothing donation in front of student Union. February 14 to February 25. Sent to shelters in Springfield.
- February 26 into Springfield. Renovating painting at Sartre, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Habitat for Humanity.
- Turning schedule or better time to service projects
- induction 815 tonight.
- Founders Day April 23.
- Kevin doing for service project.
- Provide lunch.
- Chinese food buffet
Fellowship -- February 17
- Thursday 7 p.m. meeting for Fellowship.
- Intramural sports.
- Chinese food night/Italian food night.
- Banquet.
- Cabin weekend (Marion White) girl scout troop to do project. April (15 to 17)
- I gets due February 13.
- Due to February 21.
- Total in account $41
Old Business:
New business:
- Business Meeting
- Kevin motions: separate pairs of people to go to each meeting, seconded by Callie, unanimous consent